Health Sciences
Health Sciences
As a researcher…
I study how long-term opioid use and withdrawal affect the brain’s immune system!
I appreciate science because…
I love learning. With science, you can never know everything — there is always something more to learn or discover!
My favorite animated movie is…
The Lion King!
Biological Chemist
As a researcher…
I study the causes of disease! My research focuses on how the cellular environment influences proteins and protein-protein interactions. To do this, I use “crowders” (or high concentrations of sugars, polymers, and proteins) to mimic the cellular environment.
I appreciate science because…
I get to learn new things every day!
In my free time…
I run marathons!
Cell Biologist & Physiologist
As a researcher…
I am studying the role of a particular group of proteins, called ALKs, in the growth of blood vessels. To do this, I alter the amounts of ALK protein produced in either animal models or human cell lines, and then use microscopy to measure visible differences.
I love my laboratory because…
I learn so much from my lab group every day. They’re always willing to answer questions and help each other!
In my free time…
I play the tuba in a local community band!
Genetic & Molecular Biochemist
As a researcher…
I study DNA repair and how these processes contribute to cancer.
I appreciate science because…
Scientists literally create knowledge. Your experiments answer questions no one has before, and you get to be the first to solve them!
My favorite dessert is…
Anything chocolate! Or pumpkin!
Toxicologist & Physiologist
As a researcher…
I study respiratory toxicology and the effect that air various pollutants have on human lungs and airways as it relates to overall health.
Science influences my life because…
I am always amazed at how far modern science has come, and I am excited to be a part of the future of science!
My favorite animated movie is…
The Prince of Egypt!
Cell Cycle Biochemist & Pharmacologist
As a researcher…
I study how cells copy their DNA. In particular, I am interested in discovering the differences between how normal cells and cancer cells copy their DNA during different cell cycle phases.
Science influences my life because…
I have many family members affected by cancer. I want to better understand how cancer hijacks the cell cycle.
When I was younger…
I served in the Peace Corps in Nicaragua as a Community Health Education Volunteer and lived in a site with no running water nor electricity for almost 3 years. It was one of the best things I’ve ever done and I would do it all over again if I could!
I can speak…
Spanish & English
Geneticist & Molecular Cell Biochemist
As a researcher…
I am trying to understand how stretching muscle cells affects how certain genes are turned on and off! Our muscles are stretched all the time but not much is known about how our genes change when our muscles are stretched.
I appreciate science because…
I can keep asking questions and seeking out the answers to those questions!
In my free time…
I love to read!
Geneticist & Computational Biologist
As a researcher…
I use computational approaches to analyze sequencing data from human tissue samples. I want to understand how gene expression influences complex traits such as obesity and diabetes.
I love my laboratory because…
We are a diverse set of personalities and skills!
My favorite dessert is…
Ice cream!
Cell Biologist & Physiologist
As a researcher…
I study the blood vessels in the kidney. The kidney filters your blood and the vessels supply the blood to the kidney, so it is important that the blood vessels in your kidney develop properly.
Science influences my life because…
It opens up the world to me. The more I learn the more interesting and wonderful it becomes. You also get to travel!
When I was younger…
I was a professional mechanic for 2 years and have owned over 35 cars!
Pharmaceutical Chemist
As a researcher…
I focus on using light to release medicine at specific places in the body. Delivering medicine in a controlled way increases the safety and the success of different treatments.
I appreciate science because…
Every day I am working to improve the health and lives of people!
I have a pet…
Corgi puppy named Minne!
Geneticist & Molecular Cancer Biologist
As a researcher…
I study different ways lung cancer spreads – and how to stop it from spreading. My project studies how cancer tricks our immune system into helping it spread better.
I appreciate science because…
Your work is never done, which means the opportunities are never over. It’s like a good movie/storybook that never ends!
My favorite animated movie is…
I can speak…
Tamil & English
Biochemist & Structural Biologist
As a researcher…
I study how cell signaling proteins interact. I aim to understand how these interactions are affected by mutations found in some of the deadliest types of cancer.
Science influences my life because…
Science is always around us, but it seems especially real when it relates to human disease. My mom passed away from cancer when I was in middle school and this is my motivation to research cancer.
Before I was a scientist…
I taught kindergarten and third grade!
As a researcher…
I study the effects of e-cigarette flavorings on the function of immune and respiratory cells.
I love my laboratory because…
We have a great lab culture — we have fun together and are also very productive!
When I was younger…
I backpacked across the Grand Canyon!
Cancer Biologist
As a researcher…
I study inflammation in cancer. Specifically, I study breast cancer and how inflammation interacts with your genetic information. From what we learn, we can determine the best ways to target cancer cells when designing drugs or other therapeutics for patients.
I appreciate science because…
Science gives me the tools to tackle challenging questions that really matter, like studying and characterizing cancer cells in order to design the best therapeutic strategies for real patients!
My favorite animated movie series is…
The How To Train Your Dragon movies!
Biochemist & Biophysicist
As a researcher…
I use structural biology and biochemistry to understand the structure and function of two epigenetic factors. These proteins are important for proper development and maintaining homeostasis, while improper activity contributes to diseases like cancer.
I love my laboratory because…
I get to do cool science with cool people!
In my free time…
I love hiking and playing guitar!
Microbiologist & Immunologist
As a researcher…
I study immune-mediated kidney diseases, especially an autoimmune disease called ANCA vasculitis. My central focus is to unravel the cause of immune-mediated kidney diseases by researching cells of the immune system from healthy humans and patients with kidney disease.
I appreciate science because…
There are so many things we still don’t know about human disease and it’s up to researchers to understand the causes of disease!
My favorite animated movie is…
I can speak…
Spanish & English
Vaccine Engineer & Immunologist
As a researcher…
My lab and I are trying to prevent HIV from spreading between a mother and her children.
I love my laboratory because…
We all work together for a common goal!
My favorite dessert is…
Cell Biologist & Neuroscientist
As a researcher…
I’m interested in what is happening in your brain cells that causes them to become dysfunctional or die in diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and the rare disease, Alexander disease. I use stems cells to develop human brain cell models to understand why this happens so that maybe we can learn how to slow or reverse it.
I love my laboratory because…
It is such a great environment – we work as a team, and we have a lot of fun inside and outside the lab!
In my free time…
I play the alto saxophone in two different cover bands in my spare time!
I can speak…
Spanish & English
Micobiologist & Immunologist
As a researcher…
I study why antibiotic treatment fails in people with chronic bacterial infections.
I love my laboratory because…
We’re a team of six AWESOME women in science!
My favorite dessert is…
Creme brulee!
Auditory Neuroscientist
As a researcher…
I study how the hearing brain reorganizes after injury- like sound exposure- or in response to neuropsychiatric disorder.
I appreciate science because…
What can be better than searching for answers that no one has answered before?
My favorite animated movie is…
Biological chemist
As a researcher…
I study how microorganisms make natural products, like antibiotics, and how those antibiotics work.
Science influences my life because…
It gives me a direction, it provides a rational way of viewing the world, and it captures my imagination!
In my free time…
I like playing classical piano and indoor rock climbing
Computational Cancer Geneticist
As a researcher…
My work is primarily in the cancer biology field and combines a multidisciplinary approach to create new cancer therapies. I study the genetics and biology of tumors and the immune system to develop new cancer treatments.
Science influences my life because…
I am fascinated by the many facets of science and the impact science advancements have made. I aim to be apart of this impact!
My favorite animated movie is…
Biological Chemist
As a researcher…
I study natural products, which are molecules produced by bacteria such as antibiotics (molecules bacteria use to fight each other) and signaling molecules (molecules bacteria use to talk to each other). I want to discover new natural products and figure out how they are made by enzyme assembly lines.
Science influences my life because…
Science teaches me to love data and to approach other areas of my life scientifically – observing, taking notes, collecting data!
I have a pet…
Rabbit named Leo! He’s a brown, fuzzy Lionhead bunny!
Computational Pharmacologist
As a researcher…
I use mathematical models to study where drugs travel in your body. I aim to make sure drugs end up where they’re supposed to – for example, maximizing the amount of cancer therapeutic that goes directly to the tumor. My overall goal is to make drugs safer and more effective.
I love my laboratory because…
I spend time conducting experiments both at the bench and on my computer – it’s a fun combination!
Outside of lab…
I perform in local dance and theatre productions!